Shain Shapiro

SHAIN SHAPIRO Sound Dimplomacy

SHAIN SHAPIRO Who are you? I am Shain. I run a small consultancy in London, UK called Sound Diplomacy. One of my clients is the Canadian Independent Music Association (CIMA), whom I represent in UK and EU, among others.

What do you do? Career Highlights? I don’t quite know what I do. I try to help bands, labels and professionals to get their head around exporting to the UK and EU. I also am finishing my PhD and a keen researcher / nerd and work on evaluating funding structures. Hmm… I’ve been lucky to work with a lot of inspiring people. They know who they are.

What makes a good video? What stood out about your picks? Engagement, surprise, bafflement. All the videos told a story that I voted for. One complimentary to the band but simultaneously unique to themselves.