KAT DORNIAN Who are you? I am Kat Dornian, Music Director at CJSW Radio in Calgary. I love life and music and video games and blogging and have several neat places where I post what I love like food and anything nerdy.

What do you do? Career highlights? Every day I come to work, get to listen to music and work with awesome people. It’s what I’d be doing anyway so it’s nice to do something I love. Being a small organization I get to take on a lot of different roles and learn a bunch of new skills like how to tech live bands, put on a show, release a CD and so on and so on. I’ve got to interview some pretty cool people as well like Akron/Family and Matmos.

What makes a good video? What stood out about your picks? First and foremost I am drawn to videos that tell stories in some way. I think these just make for more engaging videos as the story starts to unfold and you want to know what will happen to the characters. I’m also a big fan of anything different or avant-garde. Experimenting with new concepts is key and music videos provide the perfect means for doing something totally wacky that you wouldn’t dare to do for a full length movie. Some excellent fashion never hurts anything.